We went to the First Pres. Annual Easter Egg Hunt. It was so fun to watch the boys, Noah and Garrison, load up with eggs. There were only three kids their age, so they had free reign of one whole side. What's is the icing on the cake after an easter egg hunt in the heat? Baskin Robbins. We wrapped up the day there with the family. Yummy!!!
Joshua is growing so fast. He is over 20 lbs and 26 in. He has started rolling from his tummy on to his back. He still has only two teeth but he is definitely using them. He loves the veggies that he has been started on and I am sure will really love the fruits that I will start this week. I can't believe that he will be six months old in a couple of weeks! We are praying that his eye will clear up soon and that he won't have to have surgery to open his tear duct when he turns 1! So please join us in that.
Noah is doing great. He is about to wrap up his second year at Lynn Flowers Preschool. We are currently working on reading 10 books a week. This is part of a reading program that will give him a free pizza if he reads 60 books. I can't believe he is going to be 4 in a couple months. We are praying that Noah will start to obey and grow out of this rebellious stage.
Elisha should be here at the beginning of June and we are definitely looking forward to seeing him. We are definitely in prayer for him!!! He will be turning 11 this summer!
Wow! My boys are growing up so quickly. I am so richly blessed. I pray that we continue to seek the Lord and grow in His likeness. God bless!