Sunday, October 26, 2008

Joshua - Day 6

Hey y'all. Sorry it's been a couple of days. Joshua is doing much better today. They took him off the "Billy" light on Friday but had to put him back under it yesterday. They have now taken him back off of it for good. They also have taken the IV off, removed the oxygen tubes, and are getting him ready to discharge him. They are saying maybe Tuesday or Wednesday. He is doing everything he needs to do, which is eat, sleep and poop. He has lost a little more weight, which is normal. He is now 5 lbs 13 oz. He is such a sweet little guy and I have really enjoyed being able to spend time with him. Can't wait to post when he gets discharged. The pics will be great. Hope all is well with all of you and thank you again for your prayers. God is good!

1 comment:

Jene' Byrom said...

What a sweet picture! He is doing so great! Thank you Lord! We can't wait to come see him when he's home! Love you and praying for you all.