Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Only 36 Weeks!!!

Okay... Here is a quick update on what is going now. The doctor has now put me on straight bed rest. He is seeing signs of possible preeclampsia. (Higher than normal blood pressure and higher protein levels in my urine.) He wants to see me again on Monday morning. He will then have the results of the blood work that was drawn today to determine if it is, in fact, preeclampsia and he will also check me to see if these contractions have done anything to start the labor process. He said that if nothing has changed by Monday, he will probably induce me on Monday or Tuesday. He said that delivery would be the safest way to go at that point. So please be praying that Joshua will be healthy enough for delivery next week. I know that he will most likely go to the NICU but I am just praying that I still might be able to take him home with me when I am discharged from the hospital. I know that the Lord has everything planned out and I am trusting Him to lead us through this. Thank you, oh Lord, for the strength that I get from my friends and family.

1 comment:

Susan in Iowa said...


I will be praying for you. And you are probably right, Joshua will be in the NICU. I delivered Ethan at 37 weeks and he was for 4 weeks. He had issue after issue, though. Hopefully, Joshua will come out thinking this world isn't so bad, but I want to be home with MOM!! Each child is different so maybe he won't need to spend anything additional time in the hospital. I will be keeping track of you guys. Let us know!!